Monday 30 June 2014

Busy Bee

Bee saver

The bee art campaign '#save the bees' is buzzing around the walls of east london . The top picture is one of two appearing in Sclater street just off #Brick lane the one below is off a small side turning off Bethnal green road. Both pictures have a cartoon apocalyptic appearance but are no less powerful for it.
How near we are to an apocalyptic situation im not so sure but to be concerned about these creatures has to be important . As the words on the wall say'' no more bees no more plants, animals, humans etc'' . Bees pollinate a third of our food , some scientists say that  bee products can help the reduction/growth of cancers and of course they produce honey.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Dreamcatcher sign

Love Post

Redchurch street just off brick lane is home to eclectic mix of galleries, restaurants ,boutique shops and street art . This unusual example of 'street art' caused a number of uncertain stares yesterday and grabbed my attention. I asked another passing aficionado of street art what he thought it meant replied ' Well I'm trying to document it all ( street art ) but this something else ,I don't know what it's about ....yes it is interesting but what its about i don't know ..?
On closer inspection i thought it resembled a dreamcatcher or some other primitive efergy displacing the no entry sign on which it is placed perhaps attempting to defy its urban setting. Attached to the art piece was a note that said 'please take me ' on which was written a beautiful poem :
'A perverse love

When darkness falls
He engulfs me
The shadow who looms above
He inhales me

Purity devoured
How well the savage sleeps
Into the abyss

Ashes of innocence that blanket me 
Morbidly alone
Strangely comforts me

I liked this offering , this art, this piece of love this eccentric moment in  East London. 

Puppy wall at Chrisp street market

Puppy Wall

Rather than 'hidden' this enormous gob-smacking wall art stopped me in my tracks today . This kitsch  dog painted to enormous scale on the side of a block of flats at the back of Chrisp street market.  Reminiscent of a Jeff Coons sculpture and perhaps more ambitious in its intention and delivery it is quite thought provoking. At the bottom of the picture scrawled across the legs is GENTRIFIED does this apply to area or a general exclamation of discontent.?

Chrisp street cannot really be described as gentrified and is in fact a poorer less glamorous area of the east end when compared to Brick lane for example. Maybe this is the point  the art is not 'trendy'  and therefore resonates with its surroundings. It is though certainly eccentric and can only be described as stunning.          

Masked Mavericks in Brick lane

Masked Mavericks

A day out in Brick lane recently i came across these two young good humoured hedonists wandering the streets attired in wrestling masks. When i asked why they are wearing the masks they replied in an existential manner ''You know we haven't decided yet' Suitably brick lane.

Monday 23 June 2014

Brick lane Upside down head

                              Eccentrically London

A project to seek out, explore and document the eccentricities of london . The unknown individuals we pass every day but make us look twice. From  the strange ,humorous ,sad to the alarming. Peculiar occurrences and weird buildings ,dirt and grime ,beauty in odd places .

                                                      UPSIDE DOWN HEAD                                           

This picture was taken on a very warm day on May 25th may in Brick lane market . The extraordinary sight stopped many passers by amazed by this gentlemans prowess or idiocy but certainly his ingenuity. I love the 'all seeing eye' cut into the bucket. He managed to maintain this posture for several hours that day with very few breaks and fully deserved any monetary donations.